Academic & Special...

Our Academic & Special Interest enrichment programs challenge and stimulate the minds of MSM students.

Mt St Michael’s College offers boundless opportunities for highly committed and self-disciplined students to deepen their love of learning and capacity for critical thinking beyond the classroom.

Academic co-curricular activities are designed to enrich and support the learning needs of our students. Involvement in National and International competitions have provided rich and authentic learning experiences for Mt St Michael’s students.

Students can pursue talents and special interests, take on new challenges and form friendships across all year levels.

Offerings are responsive to the aspiration, curiosity and enjoyment of our students. As such, they can vary depending on student interest, external bodies and competition offerings.

Current offerings include:
ACUTRA CASE Space School
Debating Team
Model United Nations
Breakfast Club
Australian Space Design Competition
Ethics Olympiad
QAMT Math Quiz
Colourspace Club
Brain Bee Competition
French Club
QUEST Gifted and Talented Challenge
Brainways QUEST Challenge
Future Problem-Solving
TED-Ed Club
Film, Television & Video Production
Business Club
History Club
UQ Science Ambassadors
Harry Potter Club
DaVinci Decathlon
Japan Club
Writers’ Club
Maths Tutorials

Yarn Club