Mt St Michael’s College attracts teachers of all career stages from graduate to the experienced. As a collective we learn from and are inspired by each other. We invest in further advancing knowledge, skills and capabilities of all staff, using internal expertise, a research platform and external providers. Together we adapt to the changing educational landscape and the challenges of the digital world for both adolescent and adult learners.
Research into the characteristics of excellent schools drives our commitment to continuous improvement. The outcome of The Australian Government’s Through Growth to Achievement: The Report of The Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools (2018) reaffirms Bergeson’s (2007) nine characteristics most often found in high performing schools to which we aspire.
- A clear and shared focus.
Our mission and vision is clearly articulated and known by every member of the community. We have a powerful story. - High standards and expectations for all students – teachers and staff believe that all students can learn and meet high standards.
We set the bar high, our students enjoy the challenge and we love supporting them to excel. - Effective school leadership – effective instructional and administrative leadership is required to implement change processes.
Leadership is empowering. We aim to grow leaders in every area of the College. - High levels of collaboration and communication – there is strong teamwork among teachers across all networks.
Staff new to the College invariably confirm that this is a great strength; it is a privilege to teach here. - Curriculum, instruction and assessment is aligned with standards and essential academic learning requirements.
Critical to our commitment to excellence. - Frequent monitoring of learning and teaching – to apply differentiation strategies for gifted and talented students and those who need further help.
We have excellent structures for tracking student learning and implementing intervention strategies. - Focused professional development for all staff.
This is a key goal with our work linked to the Australian Professional Standards Framework, to build capacity more than accountability. - Supportive learning environment. Students feel respected and connected with staff and are engaged in learning.
One of our great strengths. We are a relational community. - High levels of family and community involvement.
Parents and families are welcomed into the community with a range of programs and activities to provide connectivity.
The following contextualised documents ensure our Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement reflects the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:
- Mt St Michael’s College Philosophy and Practice overarching guidance
- Mt St Michael’s College Teacher Performance and Development Framework
- Professional Development Policy
- Mt St Michael’s College guiding framework ‘Our Practice’