The Student Wellbeing team strives to provide a caring and nurturing environment for students. All staff members are responsible for fostering positive relationships with students; either in directly dealing with students on a day to day basis, or indirectly by being positive and professional role models for students.
The Student Wellbeing Team consists of:
- Home Room teachers
- Pastoral Leaders
- 2 College Psychologists
- Deputy Principal Students
There is a team approach to assisting and supporting students in their adolescent development. The first point of contact is the Home Room teacher. Wellbeing concerns should be raised with these teachers. Academic concerns should be raised with specific classroom teachers.
Student Leadership is promoted at Home Room level with Home Room captains appointed each term, alongside College Captains, Co-curricular Captains and the Student Leadership Team appointed at the beginning of the year. Students are supported in their leadership roles by mentor teachers.
The college psychologists oversee a Peer Skills Program which empowers students to confidently, compassionately and appropriately support others.
The College Psychologist/Counsellors are available to all students with concerns regarding mental health and wellbeing and for parents requiring parenting support, with an emphasis on brief intervention. They have a pivotal role in the planning and implementation of the Pos-Ed Program, and works to promote mental health and resilience amongst the student body with the Pastoral Leaders and Deputy Principal Students.
Students and parents can request an appointment via the email below, and there is no requirement for these requests to be identified to the Home Room Teacher or Pastoral Leader beforehand: